lundi 2 février 2015

Which of these structures are good for maintaining history data?

Iam creating an application which is being used to send reminders. Here is the requirements.

  1. We have set of Students.

  2. Every student has a Student Pass, this need to be renewed in every month. Student Pass has Pass ID, monetary value, date of expiry, etc.

  3. Before 7 days of Student Pass expiry, we have to send notifications to the system admin.

  4. We have to monitor the Student Pass History of every student as well. Which means how many notifications were given to the admin, what is the date the pass got expired and so on.

Now we need to create tables for this. We thought of creating a table called StudentPass and maintaining the student pass history and current student pass in the same table. It is like below

enter image description here

However maintaining the current student pass data and student pass history seems to be mixed up work because we have to send notification for the expiration of current student pass. So we decided to divide this into 2 tables. It is like below, the current student pass data will be maintained in StudentPass table and the history data will be maintained in StudentPassHistory.

enter image description here

With your experience in database, please let me know which method is better. In case you need more information about why we divided the data into 2 tables, that is because our notification system can simply identify that it should send notification only for the items in StudentPass table, We do not have to do DB comparison to find out which data is the latest and current, we have history and current data separated and it will be easy to generate reports. Your advice is highly appreciated.

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