jeudi 26 février 2015

Multiple records and determine if a combination if values exist and write this to a new column

I'm struggling with a problem.

An order can have multiple lines and accordingly a type (F=Footwear/N=Non-FTW,Mixed=Both) I need to determine if the order consists of which type and create a new column with this information.

#31900440220151005215630000 | F
#31900440220151005215630000 | N
#31900440220151005215630000 | N
#31900440220151005215680000 | N
#31900440220151005215680000 | N
#31900440220151005215680000 | N
#31900440220151005215680000 | N
#31900440220151005215680000 | N
#31900440220151005215710000 | F
#31900440220151005215720000 | F
#31900440220151005215740000 | F

What I want to have is ultimately:

ORDR | TYPE | New column
#31900440220151005215630000 | F | Mixed
#31900440220151005215630000 | N | Mixed
#31900440220151005215630000 | N | Mixed
#31900440220151005215680000 | N | Non-FTW
#31900440220151005215680000 | N | Non-FTW
#31900440220151005215680000 | N | Non-FTW
#31900440220151005215680000 | N | Non-FTW
#31900440220151005215680000 | N | Non-FTW
#31900440220151005215710000 | F | FTW
#31900440220151005215720000 | F | FTW
#31900440220151005215740000 | F | FTW

I thought of partition over but currently i'm stuck.

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