jeudi 26 février 2015

Does my database design work? Newbie!

I've uploaded an image of my database design below. This is the first database I have designed and I was hoping that I could get some input into whether or not it is set up correctly or if I just have no idea what I'm doing! It is for an rpg game. Thanks so much for your time.

Overview of what it should do:

  • Each user should be able to own multiple characters,

  • But each character should be owned by only one user

  • Each Character should have only one location

  • But many Characters can exist in one location

  • Each character should own one container (inventory)

  • But each container should only belong to one character/NPC (a container cannot be owned by both a character and an NPC)

  • Each container may or may not have only one location

  • But one location can have many containers inside of it

  • Each item/weapon/armor should either exist inside of one container or have one location

  • But one container or location can have many item/weapon/armor

  • Each NPC should have one location

  • But one location can have many NPC

enter image description here

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