jeudi 26 février 2015

Mongo DB accessesNotInMemory issue with RAM size

I am using Mongo Replica set and it seems to be working fine but when i check db.serverStatus i saw that there are lots of accessesNotInMemory for all The DBs in my mongo instance.

I checked MY RAM and the configuration is as follows:

RAM size : 32 GB

Total Indexes in all DBs : 12 GB

Data in all DBs : 80 GB

Top command shows me 18 GB memory uses and Mongo process is using 51% of available memory.

Could you please tell em why I am getting these accessesNotInMemory even so much memory is still free.

More about my application is writes user activity on my website.

I have two systems in place at DB.

1. Sharded Set UP : Set takes all load for each write operation.

2. Processed Data Set UP: Store Data resulted from various aggregation script.

Here I am talking about second set up which takes data at each hour when my aggregation script run.

So here is the sue case for this:

1. Data inserted/Updated in various logical DBs at every hour.

2. All read APIs served through this MongoD instance.

3. No Direct/ frequent write is done on the DB.

I made some changes in my APIs to reduce index overhead for sorting purpose. I am not sorting data in DB query i pull it for the query range and sort it in java.

This is my application behaviour.

TOP command output

top - 10:41:20 up 38 days, 20:05, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Tasks: 175 total, 1 running, 174 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.1%us, 0.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 99.8%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 33103424k total, 18615444k used, 14487980k free, 243916k buffers
Swap: 3884024k total, 63524k used, 3820500k free, 16571920k cached

3700 root 20 0 157g 16g 16g S 2.0 52.9 1378:56 mongod

serverStatus output

firstset:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus({workingSet:1});
"host" : "MongoDB33209",
"version" : "2.6.4",
"process" : "mongod",
"pid" : NumberLong(3700),
"uptime" : 3344876,
"uptimeMillis" : NumberLong("3344876756"),
"uptimeEstimate" : 3297769,
"localTime" : ISODate("2015-02-27T05:12:09.797Z"),
"asserts" : {
"regular" : 0,
"warning" : 0,
"msg" : 0,
"user" : 169,
"rollovers" : 0
"backgroundFlushing" : {
"flushes" : 55747,
"total_ms" : 3522610,
"average_ms" : 63.18922991371733,
"last_ms" : 13,
"last_finished" : ISODate("2015-02-27T05:11:26.453Z")
"connections" : {
"current" : 32,
"available" : 19968,
"totalCreated" : NumberLong(253960)
"cursors" : {
"note" : "deprecated, use server status metrics",
"clientCursors_size" : 1,
"totalOpen" : 1,
"pinned" : 0,
"totalNoTimeout" : 8,
"timedOut" : 137
"dur" : {
"commits" : 30,
"journaledMB" : 0,
"writeToDataFilesMB" : 0,
"compression" : 0,
"commitsInWriteLock" : 0,
"earlyCommits" : 0,
"timeMs" : {
"dt" : 3073,
"prepLogBuffer" : 0,
"writeToJournal" : 0,
"writeToDataFiles" : 0,
"remapPrivateView" : 0
"extra_info" : {
"note" : "fields vary by platform",
"heap_usage_bytes" : 217828936,
"page_faults" : 7206470
"globalLock" : {
"totalTime" : NumberLong("3344876757000"),
"lockTime" : NumberLong("4239567675"),
"currentQueue" : {
"total" : 0,
"readers" : 0,
"writers" : 0
"activeClients" : {
"total" : 0,
"readers" : 0,
"writers" : 0
"indexCounters" : {
"accesses" : 3716993293,
"hits" : 3716993312,
"misses" : 0,
"resets" : 0,
"missRatio" : 0
"locks" : {
"." : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong(580972483),
"W" : NumberLong("4239567675")
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong("17175041218"),
"W" : NumberLong(1530253880)
"admin" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(4113636),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(221171),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"local" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(877458682),
"w" : NumberLong("4483497401")
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong("56622055369"),
"w" : NumberLong("5434791334")
"ProcessDB" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong("8406271110"),
"w" : NumberLong("11271116631")
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong("39367371311"),
"w" : NumberLong(374059462)
"Month" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(377),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(12891),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"test" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(1084729),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(220763),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"Author" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(9542350),
"w" : NumberLong(103769)
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(2776615),
"w" : NumberLong(2249)
"MonthDB" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong(38255),
"W" : NumberLong(0),
"r" : NumberLong(575420785),
"w" : NumberLong("9184847978")
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong(301940),
"W" : NumberLong(0),
"r" : NumberLong(108467712),
"w" : NumberLong(530000052)
"DateDB" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(289821),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(81323),
"w" : NumberLong(0)
"History" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong(38311),
"W" : NumberLong(0),
"r" : NumberLong("5662251982"),
"w" : NumberLong("22748548802")
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong(461922),
"W" : NumberLong(0),
"r" : NumberLong("2213086691"),
"w" : NumberLong(791624945)
"analytics" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(22922884),
"w" : NumberLong(340925)
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"r" : NumberLong(1668266970),
"w" : NumberLong(25641)
"Week" : {
"timeLockedMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong(20),
"W" : NumberLong(0),
"r" : NumberLong(487853692),
"w" : NumberLong("9679431619")
"timeAcquiringMicros" : {
"R" : NumberLong(421116),
"W" : NumberLong(0),
"r" : NumberLong(268862498),
"w" : NumberLong(732862695)
"network" : {
"bytesIn" : 68321919874,
"bytesOut" : 78858702480,
"numRequests" : 205834437
"opcounters" : {
"insert" : 114008924,
"query" : 467646,
"update" : 87192211,
"delete" : 1,
"getmore" : 10010301,
"command" : 24489356
"opcountersRepl" : {
"insert" : 0,
"query" : 0,
"update" : 0,
"delete" : 0,
"getmore" : 0,
"command" : 0
"recordStats" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 1258276,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 5,
"admin" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 0,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 0
"analytics" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 22,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 0
"Author" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 0,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 0
"History" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 11482,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 0
"MonthDB" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 94981,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 0
"ProcessDB" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 223495,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 1
"Week" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 56823,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 4
"local" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 144146,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 0
"test" : {
"accessesNotInMemory" : 0,
"pageFaultExceptionsThrown" : 0
"repl" : {
"setName" : "firstset",
"setVersion" : 3,
"ismaster" : true,
"secondary" : false,
"hosts" : [
"arbiters" : [
"primary" : "",
"me" : ""
"workingSet" : {
"note" : "thisIsAnEstimate",
"pagesInMemory" : 141578,
"computationTimeMicros" : 61338,
"overSeconds" : 1265
"writeBacksQueued" : false,
"mem" : {
"bits" : 64,
"resident" : 17115,
"virtual" : 161640,
"supported" : true,
"mapped" : 79885,
"mappedWithJournal" : 159770
"metrics" : {
"cursor" : {
"timedOut" : NumberLong(137),
"open" : {
"noTimeout" : NumberLong(8),
"pinned" : NumberLong(0),
"total" : NumberLong(1)
"document" : {
"deleted" : NumberLong(30605),
"inserted" : NumberLong(114008924),
"returned" : NumberLong(258188745),
"updated" : NumberLong(87192211)
"getLastError" : {
"wtime" : {
"num" : 0,
"totalMillis" : 0
"wtimeouts" : NumberLong(0)
"operation" : {
"fastmod" : NumberLong(32233943),
"idhack" : NumberLong(0),
"scanAndOrder" : NumberLong(4)
"queryExecutor" : {
"scanned" : NumberLong("464652125632"),
"scannedObjects" : NumberLong(209424414)
"record" : {
"moves" : NumberLong(1207213)
"repl" : {
"apply" : {
"batches" : {
"num" : 0,
"totalMillis" : 0
"ops" : NumberLong(0)
"buffer" : {
"count" : NumberLong(0),
"maxSizeBytes" : 268435456,
"sizeBytes" : NumberLong(0)
"network" : {
"bytes" : NumberLong(0),
"getmores" : {
"num" : 0,
"totalMillis" : 0
"ops" : NumberLong(0),
"readersCreated" : NumberLong(22)
"preload" : {
"docs" : {
"num" : 0,
"totalMillis" : 0
"indexes" : {
"num" : 0,
"totalMillis" : 0
"storage" : {
"freelist" : {
"search" : {
"bucketExhausted" : NumberLong(0),
"requests" : NumberLong(168481860),
"scanned" : NumberLong(335886028)
"ttl" : {
"deletedDocuments" : NumberLong(0),
"passes" : NumberLong(55658)
"ok" : 1

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