mardi 3 février 2015

Database corrupt after restore and upgrade on another instance

Just wondering, if someone faced the same issue.

We have got a SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.2789) and SQL Server 2014 (12.0.2000) and there is a process of backup on MSSQL Server 2008 R2 and restore on MSSQL Server 2014. Everything was going fine, till today. DB gets correctly (without error/warning) backed up, restored and upgraded. DBCC CHECKDB on source is ok and DBCC CHECKDB just after restore fails on the target.

I would raise a ticket to Microsoft, if it wasn't the most confidential db in the house ;)

Details (edit):

1) Both machines are virtual boxes source is on a decent traditional san, target on full flash array beast. Both are serving other servers with no consistency errors.

2) Yes, fresh backup helped, it was our first try. But why, @#$@@!!, the corrupted one can restore on sql 2008 r2 without corruption. And not on 2014.

3) 'Exact' errors were couple of following in two tables. `Object ID .., index ID 1, partition ID .., alloc unit ID ..(type In-row data). Page (1:..) is missing a reference from previous page (1:..). Possible chain linkage problem.

Object ID .., index ID 8, partition ID .., alloc unit ID ..(type In-row data), page (1:1116376). Test (IS_OFF (BUF_IOERR, pBUF->bstat)) failed. Values are 2057 and -4.`

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