vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Unable to start SQL Safe service :Error 1053: Could Not Start or Stop the Service in a Timely Fashion

We are facing quite a tedious issue for past couple of months and we are out of ideas now:

We are using IDERA SQL safe to backup the databases for our many server:

IDERA was installed earlier by the engineer who is no more working with us and adding more to our injury he had installed this IDERA safe running a SQL safe backup service using his domain account.

Since his Domain ID is getting disabled, we created a similar or exact replica service account to correct was done as a mistake earlier to run this sql safe backup service:

When we try to run the service with newly created account we get below error:

The error encountered is Error 1053: Could Not Start or Stop the Service in a Timely Fashion.

But when use his domain ID it works:

We had a case IDERA but no luck..

Can anyone help us with any idea or tricks that may work here!

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