jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Adding a second database to the same instance of a server

I already have a multi user software program running on Windows 7 work stations and the server is running Windows Server 2008r2. I am trying to setup another program using the same server. The code is C# and I am using Visual Studio 2013. The program works just fine on my development computer and local SQL Server.

I have added a new database to the Server 2008r2 and I keep getting the message,

Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows Authentication.

The message comes with the first attempt to access the database from the new software

Here is the connection string that is in the app.config and defaults.ini file of the program that is currently working: (both files exsist and have the same connection string).

<addname="myDatabase.Properties.Settings.MyConnectionString; connectionstring = RMP-SERVER\ROCKYPROP; Catalog = RMP; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = MyID; Password = MyPassword" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Here is the connection string that is in app.config for the new program and database.

<add name="myNEWDatabase.Properties.Settings.MyConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source = RMP-SERVER\ROCKYPROP; Initial Catalog = NEW_RMP; Persist Security Info = True; User ID = MyID; Password = MyPassword providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

All of this seems pretty straight forward so I can't figure out why I am getting the message.

I have read nearly every other post that I can find on the subject and the answers don't seem to be there.

Thank you for your time.

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