dimanche 1 mars 2015

Remote MySQL connection fails (10060) - "Can't connect to MySQL server on domainname.com(10060)"

I have developed one application in vb6, and i am using online MySQL database server for storing my application's data. So when i am try to connect with my database server,when first time i connect to database i can successfully connect with online database, and its work fine. But after closing my application, when i start my application second time then "Can't connect to MySQL server(10060)" error occurs, after some time (approximate 30 miniute) i can successfully connect with database. I have given maximum values to all of MySQL system and global variables like connection_timeout, wait_timeout etc etc. I have grant all permissions to my MySQL user. My firewall on my computer is off. My all connections are properly close when application closed. I have asked to technical persons who give me Online MySQL Database service and they give me this three reasons as below,

  1. The local machine from where you are trying to connect is not whitelisted on the server.

  2. The maximum number of connection for the user has exceeded.

  3. The MySQL server was down for the particular time.

but they said that their server was not down.

so how can i solve first two reason that can be a problem?

or is there any other problem according to you.

Please help me. I am in trouble. Thank you in advance.

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