mardi 2 décembre 2014

mongodb configration issue

Hi, Am editing configuration of running mongodb in 'amazon ubuntu instance'(have more than 30 GB data), and I attached some volumes I for data, log, and joural

I followed mongodb-ec2

  • formated the volumes

  • mount /data , /log and /journal

  • stop mongodb

  • edit /etc/mongodb.conf



  • copy all files from old dir to new mount volumes.

  • start mongodb For testing I run a python script,

from pymongo import MongoClient

db = MongoClient().my_testdb

I got the error message, ymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure: could not connect to localhost:27017: [Errno 111] Connection refused.

So remove the lock from the /data/mongod.lock.

and run sudo mongod --repair The following error I got. ..........

ERROR: dbpath (/data/db/) does not exist ........

My question is, even though I configured dbpath=/data, why it try to look for the path /data/db? how can I resolve it?

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