samedi 29 novembre 2014

SQL4970N Roll-forward recovery on database cannot reach the specified stop point

I have three regions: hsprd, hstst, and hstrn.

A request came in to restore hstst to hstrn, then to restore hsprd to hstst.

I don't run backups on my hstst or hstrn regions. So I manually ran a backup of hstst to restore into hstrn using this command:

db2 restore db hstst taken at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to /dbs into hstrn newlogpath /dbs/log/hstrn

My users said the system 'looked good'.

I delete my hstst backup, run a manual backup of hsprd, and repeat my process to restore hsprd into hstst. Everything goes fine, but I was getting an error about a ROLL-FORWARD PENDING status. So then I run these commands:

db2 restore db hsprd logs logtarget /dbs/log/hstst
db2 rollforward db hstst to end of logs and complete

Now my users are saying the hstrn region is reporting the same ROLL-FORWARD PENDING status. I try to run the same commands as above, but on my hstrn region, however my database backup for hstst has been deleted. When trying to rollforward, I get this message:

(/home/hs/hstrn)> db2 rollforward db hstrn to end of logs and complete
SQL4970N Roll-forward recovery on database "HSTRN" cannot reach the specified
stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) on database partition(s) "0".
Roll-forward recovery processing has halted on log file "S0006597.LOG".

Is there something I can do?

EDIT: I've tried to db2 rollforward db hstrn to end of logs and complete but receive this error:

SQL4970N Roll-forward recovery on database "HSTRN" cannot reach the specified
stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) on database partition(s) "0".
Roll-forward recovery processing has halted on log file "S0006597.LOG"

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